Mixxx is a free piece of software that lets you mix and broadcast live! Below are the instructions for going live with your Centova Cast v3 running SHOUTcast v2 with Auto Dj.
First make sure you have auto dj active and running. Also ensure you have downloaded and installed the free Mixxx software http://www.mixxx.org/download/
1. In your Centova Cast v3 panel, click on DJ Manager, create a new DJ and note the username/password. Make sure you restart server after you create your DJ 2. Open your Mixx software, click Options at the top, then click on Preferences. In the window that opens, click on Live Broadcasting 3. Enter your Hostname or IP address & port number .. both can be found in your Centova panel under Centova Quick Links. Look under the section Live Source Connections for the correct DJ port. 4. You can leave the mountpoint empty if SHOUTcast for main mountpoint. If Icecast then mountpoint is required and would be something like /autodj or /live 5. For the password, you will need to tak the username and password you created earlier in step #1 and combine them ... enter the username colon password (username:password). For examle, if your username was frank and password was 1234, your final password that goes in the Mixxx settings would be frank:1234 6. Make sure you match the bitrate setting with the bitrate your streaming at, apply changes and close the preferences window. 7. When your ready to go live, click on Options at the top of the Mixxx software panel, then click on Enable Live Broadcasting. In 30-40 or so seconds your listeners should then start to hear your live broadcas